Art and Creativity
/My dear sister, Cathy (we call her Aunt Cat) decided to winter this year in Gulfport FL. She chose Gulfport because her daughter, my niece Suzanne moved there a couple years ago to open an art gallery to highlight the work she and her husband, August Vernon are doing.
So, while in FL recently I made some time to visit Cat, and Suzanne, and to tour the art colony that is Gulfport. We had a great breakfast at Stella's, then walked the main street and took in the sights and sounds that is Gulfport. It is a very cool artist destination with a number of galleries, street art, clubs with great music, and excellent restaurants.
For me however, one of the highlights was spending some time at the August Vernon Studio. One side of the studio highlights the work done by August, incredible paintings all, each one having a story behind it. They chronical places they have lived and people who have touched their lives.
The other side displays the work of my niece, Suzanne ( She is accomplished in a number of medians, but her current work is in mosaics. She has incredible pieces, of various sizes and designs, along with jewelry and crafts that are amazing. You need to check out her website!
As I left Gulfport, I thought about the "right brain" skills that artists like Suzanne and August have and how important creativity and art is for all of us. I am so glad there are creative people like Suzanne, who through her work, stimulate our right brain elements and push us into a more creative zone.
So the next time you see a local art gallery, stop by and take in the work. Better, find a piece that speaks to you and buy it. You will not only be supporting an important artist, but will have a "right brain" reminder that might just push you to a new creative zone.